Definition of Personal Possessions
Definition of money
Definition of Personal Effects
Definition of Home Office Equipment
What is ‘Family Legal Protection’ cover?
Who underwrites your policy?
Accidental damage cover to the contents in addition to the perils listed above.
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We will cover your Personal Effects, Jewellery, Photographic Equipment, Clothing and Sports Equipment anywhere in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and for not more than 60 days in any one period of insurance while elsewhere in the world, up to the total value selected. Please note: The maximum sum insured per item is €1,000 (exclusions and restrictions apply).
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We will cover your valuables anywhere in the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man, and for not more than 60 days in any one period of insurance while elsewhere in the world and up to the value insured on your policy. Please note: A valuation within the last 2 years is required for items valued at €5,000 or more.
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Accidental loss or damage in respect of pedal cycles owned by you or your family while being used away from the home provided the pedal cycle(s) are specified in the Policy Schedule.
Please note: The maximum sum insured for all cycle is €1,250
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Engagement Ring Cover
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Making a home insurance claim often comes at an already stressful time. Whether you’ve been burgled, or...
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